Ira Rice Bible Study

Ira Rice’s Basic Bible Coures.


Basic Bible Course

Basic Bible Course – Ira Y. Rice, Jr.

Each lesson has been reformated. This reformatting will allow students to complete the course via the Internet or to download the files to a computer and use them as study guides. If you encounter any problems with the files (including typographical errors) please let us know.

Each lesson can be viewed by clicking on the title of the lesson. The questions are a separate file.  (The chart in Lesson 21 can be downloaded BBC_Lesson-21_Chart.)

Lesson 1 — BBC_Lesson-1 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth BBC_Lesson-1_Questions
Lesson 2 — BBC_Lesson-2 How All Things Began BBC_Lesson-2_Questions
Lesson 3 — BBC_Lesson-3 The Three Dispensations of God’s Will to Man BBC_Lesson-3_Questions

Lesson 4 — BBC_Lesson-4 Christians are NOT Governed by the OLD Testament (Part 1)


Lesson 5 — BBC_Lesson-5 Christians are NOT Governed by the OLD Testament (Part 2)

Lesson 6 — BBC_Lesson-6 Christians are NOT Governed by the Preaching or the Baptism of John the Baptist BBC_Lesson-6_Questions
Lesson 7 — BBC_Lesson-7
Lesson 8 — BBC_Lesson-8 Why CHRISTIANS Believe in JESUS CHRIST as the SON of the LIVING GOD BBC_Lesson-8_Questions
Lesson 9 — BBC_Lesson-9 What JESUS Taught by WORD and DEED (Part 1) BBC_Lesson-9_Questions
Lesson 10 — BBC_Lesson-10 What JESUS Taught by WORD and DEED (Part 2) BBC_Lesson-10_Questions
Lesson 11 — BBC_Lesson-11 Christians are NOT Governed by the LIMITED COMMISSION BBC_Lesson-11_Questions
Lesson 12 — BBC_Lesson-12 Christians ARE Governed by the GREAT COMMISSION BBC_Lesson-12_Questions
Lesson 13 — BBC_Lesson-13 Establishment of the KINGDOM of GOD BBC_Lesson-13_Questions
Lesson 14 — BBC_Lesson-14 ACTS of the APOSTLES’ — Book of CONVERSIONS BBC_Lesson-14_Questions
Lesson 15 — BBC_Lesson-15 Second Case of Conversion — at SOLOMON’S PORCH BBC_Lesson-15_Questions
Lesson 16 — BBC_Lesson-16 Third, Fourth, & Fifth, Cases of Conversion — the SAMARITANS, SIMON the SORCERER, & the ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH BBC_Lesson-16_Questions
Lesson 17 — BBC_Lesson-17 Sixth Case of Conversion — SAUL of TARSUS BBC_Lesson-17_Questions
Lesson 18 — BBC_Lesson-18 Seventh Case of Conversion — CORNELIUS & HIS HOUSEHOLD BBC_Lesson-18_Questions
Lesson 19 — BBC_Lesson-19 Eighth & Ninth Cases of Conversion — LYDIA & HER HOUSEHOLD, PHILIPPIAN JAILER & HIS HOUSEHOLD BBC_Lesson-19_Questions
Lesson 20 — BBC_Lesson-20 Tenth & Eleventh Cases of Conversion — THE CORINTHIANS, THE EPHESIANS BBC_Lesson-20_Questions
Lesson 21 — BBC_Lesson-21 Summing Up God’s RECORD OF CONVERSIONS (All 11 Cases in Acts) — Chart BBC_Lesson-21_Questions
Lesson 22 — BBC_Lesson-22 The FIVE “Ws” and “H” about BAPTISM BBC_Lesson-22_Questions
Lesson 23 — BBC_Lesson-23 GOD’S NEW TESTAMENT PLAN of SALVATION BBC_Lesson-23_Questions
Lesson 24 — BBC_Lesson-24 THE CHURCH We Read about in the NEW TESTAMENT BBC_Lesson-24_Questions
Lesson 25 — BBC_Lesson-25 The WORK and WORSHIP of the CHURCH BBC_Lesson-25_Questions
Lesson 26 — BBC_Lesson-26 The ORGANIZATION & GOVERNMENT of the CHURCH BBC_Lesson-26_Questions
Lesson 27 — BBC_Lesson-27 NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY RESTORED BBC_Lesson-27_Questions

To download the PDF files to your computer place your cursor over the Lesson Title and right click on the mouse button. Click on “Save Target As” and save the file to your computer. Or, you can click on the Lesson Title you want and your PDF reader program will open in your Internet browser window. You can save the program by clicking on the save button.

The PDF files for the questions have been designed to allow the filling out of the questions using your computer. However, if you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader it does not allow the file to be saved once it has been filled out. A work-around solution to this problem is to download a free program called PDF-XChange Viewer. It can be downloaded here. Information about the program can be viewed here. Another program to try is Nitro Reader 3 and can be downloaded here. Both programs are for Windows users only.


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